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in Home and Garden by  

1 Answer

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1. your door is off hinge, check the roller wheels to ensure they are in the tracks


2. you may have a screw driver in one of the wheels to prevent it from going up the track (poor man's lock) or your latch may be jammed shut.


3. Your torsion spring is broken. This is a very common problem with garage doors. The springs that help lift the door are rated for a certain number of cycles. When the springs snap the motor can no longer lift the door on its own. You should not try to open the door if your spring is broken. A door with a bronken spring can be very dangerous and should be handled by a professional. We do sell springs over the counter but strongly advise having one of our garage door experts replace your broken spring. broken garage door spring 4. Your cables are snapped. When an torsion spring breaks, it releases a very large amount of energy and can seriously injure a person or damage a vehicle or wall. Very often when a spring breaks the cable will also break. If you see that the spring is also broken see above.


4.  Your cables are snapped.  When an torsion spring breaks, it releases a very large amount of energy and can seriously injure a person or damage a vehicle or wall. Very often when a spring breaks the cable will also break.  If you see that the spring is also broken see above.

by (540 points)  
