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I read a book once about a kid who fell asleep or was knocked out; however it happened when he woke up he was in this desert. He met a lion i think and this lion told him about this new world this boy was in. This world had several factions and each one had some sort of challange the kid had to face. it wasn't like a monster he had to fight or anything, but as the kid travelled through this world he discovered he could make wishes including to wish to go back home. He was warned about making wishes. This world was fantastic and amazing he was considered a prince or ruler so the kid of course never wished to be back home. For each wish he was trapped in this world a little more. towards the end of the book the kid realized how much he missed his family and real life, and just before it was to late he wished back home and it was a happy ending. Does anyone know the name of this book?
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