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In Chapter 19, Foster discusses the importance of geography in literature. In East of Eden, John Steinbeck opens the story with an intricate description of the Salinas Valley. Steinbeck creates a nostalgic and sentimental vibe as he recollects on childhood memories here and as the story progresses the Salinas Valley becomes very vital to the storyline. The Salinas Valley is so significant because it serves as a symbol of good versus evil, which is a prominent theme in East of Eden. Without the existence of this place, this book would certainly not have the same effect. Another literary work that geography plays a vital role in is The Great Gatsby (I used this novel in discussion on Chapter 12). We all could agree that this novel would NOT have the same effect if it were placed in a backwoods swamp in Louisiana! This novel revolves entirely around a cosmopolitan, materialistic, high-class society. The setting of this novel contributes a great deal to the theme of greed in the novel, which would not be present without the kind of lifestyle the characters are accustomed to
