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0 votes
I had to deposit money into my checking account at night, so I ran to the bank and put my check in the slot for deposits. I forgot to fill out a deposit slip and just threw the check in the slot without thinking anything of it. When I got home, I realized that I probably should have included a deposit slip with the check and put them in an envalope. So I ran back to the bank and put a filled-out deposit slip in the slot. So my question is, will they deposit the check into my account? Or do you think it will be an issue? Please answer truthfully, because I feel like an idiot and I want to know.
in Business and Finance by  

1 Answer

0 votes
If you did it through the ATM machine, i.e. you swiped your card, and entered the amount, then deposit the check, then you should be fine. To be safe, call your bank tomorrow.
