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1 Answer

+1 vote
Check the website of the webinar service you are using, such as and review the list of applications necessary to record your webinar.

Download windows media player version nine. Some of the services also have their own version of media player that you may use instead of Windows media player.

Install a sound card and configure with your audio input device or microphone if you do not already have these features on your computer so you can record and document the audio portion of the webinar.

Configure the recording settings before the conference. Open the "organizer control panel" and choose "tools," then "recording."

Select the desired settings such as "record audio," audio recording format and where to save your recording.

Click "record" to start the recording. Click "stop" to end the recording. After you click stop, click "file" then "end webinar". This saves your recording to the destination you already chose. Review this document whenever you wish.
by (17.1k points)  
