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I had 2 verbal contract with an individual, First Verbal Contract-  he offered and insisted  to rebuild and improve my engine at no cost to help me out. So he started and dismantled it down to every last bolt, took my block to get machine work done on it and now is saying he is not going to finish it and that the block is his now because he put money into it. All because I would not be with him. Now I am left with not only no vehicle but he also kicked me out of his house on the 25th of this month. My vehicle was running before he took it apart and now all I have of it is the body with an empty engine bay.
Second Verbal Contract- The individual said he will provide a vehicle for me to use in the mean time of him doing this but only until my vehicle was running again. So I was driving his For Ranger for about 3weeks until we got into an arguement and he felt I betrayed him and said three different reasons why he was taking to truck back but ended up giving it to his now again girlfriend that now lives in the same house as the both of us. now says that yes he gave it to her because he could not afford it anymore.
All of this was a build up of me continuiously telling him no when he finally said he has come to figure out and except that I was not going to be with him every and all help or promises/ deals he had with me were done and gone.
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