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0 votes
I made the mistake of co-signing for a mobile home loan for my brother. Recently , I found out the deed for the  land it is on was never signed over and that my name is appearing on the loan as the primary borrower.  This was a "no money down" offer although the loan application is showing a $7000.00 down payment on the 1 year old , overpriced mobile. This loan was originated in 1998 for a 1997 model mobile home. I was told that it included the "largest lot" in the subdivision. my brother abandoned the property and now the 3rd rate finance company is shaking me down for payments. How do I get this settled without destroying my credit or neglecting my obligations to my wife and kids
in Business and Finance by  

1 Answer

0 votes
Seriously, get a lawyer. This is the best advice you will get.
by (17.1k points)  
