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0 votes
I am sick and tired of fitted sheets popping off the mattress and having to get up to fix the sheets. I have asked this question before but always get the sheet strap answer. I tried all the straps and clips and the only thing that really works is safety pins but the sheets end up tearing. There has to be a better way like clamps or something stronger.

Any suggestions?
in Home and Garden by (140 points)  

1 Answer

0 votes
I know! I have seen posts like this all over and I can't believe that the sheet companies are not responding to this demand. I have found drawstring sheets and it hit me like a ton of brick how come this idea has not been the natural way to hold sheets from the beginning. That's what holds ironing board covers on so what the hell? Anyway spread the word so this company can get more business to expand their product line and offer more fabric choices. Mine are great now but I want to wait for more fabrics before I buy more.

Check it out. They have a video there that shows the great functionality.
