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+1 vote
How to potty train an 11 week old puppy
in Pet by  

2 Answers

0 votes
hello if he or she goes in the house tell he or she not to
by (890 points)  
0 votes
well, the best thing to do is take the puppy out often, hoping to get him/her out when he needs to go. in between keep an eye on the pup, and if he starts to go immediately take him out.  You can also get something called a wee-wee pad at your pet store or perhaps walmart.  They have a smell that attracts the puppy to use it-but don't rely too heavily on these-it is best to get them used to the idea that they are not supposed to go in the house, The idea with the wee-wee pad is to use them in the beginning when the puppy is going a lot-and then transition them-take a wee wee pad outside,and hopefully they get they are supposed to go on them-then after a bit remove the wee wee pad. Just don't rely too heavily on the wee wee pad-or they might not want to go without them lol. but taking the dog out at frequent, regular intervals is your best bet. Good luck!
by (520 points)  
