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I have 3/4 inch gas line in a closet and I want to remove the line as I have taken out the appliance it was serving.  The pipe is capped now with a screw on cap , when I cut the line do I have to use  a threaded cap / attemting to put threads on the end of the cut pipe will very diificult.  Is there another way of sealing the end of the pipe?  Could I use a epoxy cement for metal and bond the threaded cap to the end?  Is this safe , could it leak in future?
in Home and Garden by  

1 Answer

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You can use a pipe threader and then put on a threaded cap with gas safe sealer. No glue or any short of short cut is safe when you are dealing with gas. You can also find where the pipe is attache to the next segment and unscrew it there and use a threaded cap there.
Any repairs should be checked for leaks with soapy water spray.
