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0 votes
I reported that my dead bolt lock would not work on my back door to the landlord , he then removed it & left an open hole & said he forgot about the lock when I called to report someone broke that door window about 20 days later, I always parked in the back yard but due to a neighbor's overgrown tree my car kept getting bird poo on it so on a friday I parked out front , on Sunday I went to my grandson's football game for about 2hrs when I returned my back door window  was busted ( I have had several acts of vandalism by local teenagers in the past but only reported 1 to the police other than the window , now the landlord wants me to pay for the window . I feel he made it a target by leaving the lock off in the 1st place & left me with a flimsy door handle lock. I believe someone was trying to break in , he came today with the lock ( that still didn't work) & to measure the window , he also called the water company & told them I agreed to pay  the water bill from the water run off that is legally the owners  responsibility , I pay my water bill & did not agree to pay his portion , that proves he is not an honest man !
in Legal by  

1 Answer

+1 vote
Report the window to the police. You may have to check with your cities rental laws but I would not pay for the window unless I was the one who broke it.
by (17.1k points)  
I did make the police report & I called the housing Authority ( I am disabled & am on sec 8 ) and they told me it was between me & the landlord , so basically I would have to fight it in court . Do you know who I would call to find out the City Rental laws ? I can't afford to get in trouble & lose my housing & my housing worker is new & didn't seem to want to be bothered with it  . Thanks :)
Your best bet would be to call your city hall or town hall and have the clerk give you the information on how to contact the housing authority in your area.
Thank You Free Spirit :)
